En av de största internationella studier som gjorts kring utvecklingseffekter och tillgång till behandling och adekvat stöd publicerades 2024 i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Childs Psychiatry & Human Development.
den inkluderar 402 barn, varav svenska barn finns med. Där framkommer att PANS/PANDAS påverkade barns utveckling negativt över alla domäner: emotionell utveckling (92% av barnen), social utveckling (90%), kognitiv utveckling (86%), talangutveckling(73%) och språkutveckling(50%) ( Abadia-Barrero & LaRusso, 2024)
Orsaken till den omfattande negativa utvecklingen påvisas, precis som i andra studier, vara utebliven vård och uteblivet adekvat stöd;
”Given the severity of the neuropsychiatric symptoms and the chronicity and fluctuations of symptoms in some cases, adequate and timely care might be key to limit children’s developmental repercussions and family’s suffering [15, 26]. Worrisomely, children can be symptomatic for several years before receiving a diagnosis and starting adequate treatment [7]. Untimely and inadequate care not only compromises children’s prognosis [7, 8, 26], but also family functioning which is the primary context that supports children’s development [15, 26]. In addition, both child and family functioning are impacted by lack of support from the child’s school system, family and friends [15, 46, 47]. Thus, a more comprehensive picture of the developmental impacts of PANS/PANDAS is needed and would also identify malleable factors that can influence the severity of impacts, such as inadequate or delayed care or lack of supports in the child’s social contexts.” (Abadía-Barrero & LaRusso,2024)
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