Intravenous immunoglobulin

Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG): comprehensive open-label trial in ten children

En ny svensk studie av Hajjari et al. i ”BMC Psychiatry” visar positiva resultat av hög dos IVIG-behandling vid svår #pans. I studien, där tio barn med svår pans deltog, uppvisade nio av dessa en kliniskt signifikant förbättring av symptom efter tre stycken IVIG-behandlingar. Sju av de tio deltagarna i studien gick från svår till mild pans eller remission.

”This open-label prospective IVIG treatment trial in 10 children with PANS demonstrated substantial improvements in PANS symptom severity and impairment (including OCD symptoms), global functioning and school attendance after 3 monthly IVIG treatments. From severe illness at baseline, 9 patients were clinical responders with > 30% improvement, and 7 patients improved to mild illness or remission. Side effects of previously well-known type (mostly headache, nausea) were temporarily moderate to severe, but no patient discontinued the trial due to side effects.”

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